Class Information:


Class: Year 3

Teacher: Miss Arnott

Support Staff: Mrs Sheeraz, Mr Long and Mrs Lavelle 

Email address: year3@queenswayschool.co.uk


PE times / kit needed:

PE day is a Wednesday, children will need to come to school in their PE kit on this day.

Indoor kit is a white school PE t-shirt with black/ navy shorts.

Outdoor kit is a white school PE t-shirt with black/ navy jogging bottoms and a black/ navy hoody.

Trainers should be worn for both.


Homework expectations:

Spellings will be sent home every Friday for children to learn for a test the following Friday.


Reading expectations:

Children are expected to read at least 3 times per week at home with an adult. Their reading record should be commented in and signed to show this. The traffic light system is explained in their reading record.


Other important information:

Children can access further learning through their Reading Eggs or Times Table Rockstars accounts.


Our current learning...


What we have been learning...

Curriculum map spring 1 - Y3 1.pdf .pdf
Curriculum overview Year 3.pdf .pdf
Summer term overview Y3.pdf .pdf
Super PE skills...